Kitchen Cleaning Techniques | Water Damage Restoration

Keeping the kitchen clean is very important in everyday life, isn’t it? Of course, it is necessary to keep it clean because it is a place where you make your food, you can cook and clean up after.

However, the kitchen is a place where oil stains and water stains tend to accumulate because they cook with fire, water, and oil almost every day. Some people say that cleaning the kitchen is quite difficult because you can’t clean it without knowing how to clean it.

Unclog the Kitchen Sink | Water Remediation Solutions

If the water goes back up while cleaning vegetables or washing the plates in your kitchen sink, it’s high time to clean the drain. There are various methods to choose from: If the drain is blocked, muscle strength, technology or chemistry help. The same tips and tricks naturally also apply to all other drains.

A lot of dirt collects in the kitchen sink. Over time, this can get stuck in the pipes and condense into a plug. The unpleasant consequence: dirty water can no longer run off so easily and builds up in the sink. If the drain is clogged, chemical drain cleaners, a suction cup or a pipe cleaning spiral can help. But what really works is the help of professionals. They can clean your sink down to the drain in no time. They can even find what’s the root cause of the problem. If your kitchen is water damaged, let the professionals at water damage restoration corona ca take care of it.

Removing dirt from kitchen appliances


The identity of the white dirt that can be made in the dishwasher is water stains. Water stains can be dissolved and dropped with acid, so use citric acid to drop them. Put 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid from the usual detergent inlet and wash without putting the tableware. Choose the cleaning course that takes the longest time. This alone will make the inside of the cabinet very clean. If there is partial staining, apply a citric acid spray (100 ml of water mixed with a teaspoon of citric acid) and wipe off the stain after a while.


Since it is a place to store food, we use highly safe baking soda water (100 ml of lukewarm water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda) for cleaning in the refrigerator.

If possible, if you put out all the ingredients in the cabinet and remove all the shelves, you can clean it briefly because there is nothing disturbing. In this case, unplug it as well. Spray baking soda water on a cloth such as cloth, wipe every corner cleanly, wipe with water, and wipe from further. Using baking soda also has the effect of deodorizing the smell of the inside of the cabinet. The door part is also cleaned by spraying baking soda water in the same way.

Microwave oven

Make a habit of wiping the microwave oven with a cloth every time after use so that dirt does not stick to the cabinet. Use baking soda water if oil stains in the range are noticeable.

Put an appropriate amount of baking soda water in a heat-resistant container and chin in a microwave oven. Because it boils and steam comes out, steam in the cabinet for 20-30 minutes with the door closed as it is. Since the dirt becomes soft, wipe it clean with a sponge or the like.

Electric Pot

The electric pot is also easy to get water stains on, so use citric acid to clean it. Fill the pot with water to the full water display line, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid, then boil the water. After 2-3 hours, lightly apply with a sponge to clean the white spots made of water stains.

Now that you’ve cleaned the areas you care about, let’s continue to take care of them every day so that they don’t accumulate dirt. The sink can be cleaned once a day, so let’s do it after washing the dish. Rub a neutral detergent for the kitchen on a sponge moistened with water. After washing away the dirt with water, be sure to drain it with a dry cloth. Don’t forget that if the water remains, it will be the source of the water stain.